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Senin, 27 Mei 2019

Ancaman terhadap Integrasi Nasional - ppt download

Ancaman terhadap Integrasi Nasional - ppt download: Pengertian integrasi Integrasi berasal dari bahasa latin integer yang berarti keseluruhan atau seluruh dan bersifat utuh. Integer adalah menggabungkan beberapa bagian sehingga dapat bekerja sama atau membentuk keseluruhan. Secara etimologi integrasi merupakan pembauran yang menjadi kesatuan yang utuh dan bulat.

Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

Pengalaman menggunakan transportasi publik dengan e money

Hallo teman teman semua apa kabar? Sudah lama nih saya tidak posting hehehe....
Nah kali ini saya menceritakan pengalaman saya menggunakan e money untuk berkeliling Jabodetabek dengan naik transportasi publik. Seperti apa ceritanya? Mari kita lanjut

Pengertian e-money

Menurut berbagai sumber yang saya rangkum bahwa Pengertian E-Money atau uang elektronik adalah uang yang digunakan dalam transaksi Internet dengan cara elektronik. Pada umumnya, transaksi ini menggunakan jaringan komputer seperti internet dan penyimpanan harga digital.
E-money sering disebut sebagai electronic cash. Kita tidak perlu khawatir atau risau menggunakan e-money ini karena ilmu kiptrogafi telah menyatakan bahwa e-money sangat sulit untuk diretas atau dibajak.Cara kerja dari E-Money adalah nasabah yang mempunyai E-Money dalam pecahan tertentu. Contohnya, Rp100 ribu (maksimal Rp1 juta) terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan E-Money pada counter penerbit uang elektronik guna aktivasi. Setelah itu, nilai uang reload (diisi dan direkam) pada media elektronik misalkan kartu yang dikeluarkan oleh bank, handphone, atau kartu prabayar.

Kriteria E-Money

Dibawah ini adalah kriteria dari e-money adalah :
  • Diterbitkan atas dasar nilai uang yang disetor terlebih dahulu oleh pemegang kepada penerbit.
  • Nilai uang disimpan secara elektronik dalam suatu media seperti server atau chip.
  • Digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran kepada pedagang yang bukan merupakan penerbit uang elektronik tersebut, dan
  • Nilai uang elektronik yang disetor oleh pemegang dan dikelola oleh penerbit bukan merupakan simpanan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam undang-undang yang mengatur mengenai perbankan.

E-Money dan Mata Uang

Secara teknis, uang elektronik bisa menjadi sebuah mata uang yang independen, misalnya e-Gold atau seperti Euro sebelum tender legal Eura diperkenalkan pada 2002.
Sistem moneter Ripple yaitu sebuah projek terdistribusi uang elektronik yang bebas dari mata uang.

Produk E-Money

Ada 2 macam produk e-money, yakni :

Prepaid Card

Prepaid card sering disebut sebagai elektronic purches. Prepaid Card adalah e-money yang nilainya disimpan dalam sebuah chip yang ditanamkan pada sebuah kartu. Misalnya, FLAZZ BCA, Mandiri e-Money, Brizzi, dan BNI Prepaid.
Berikut ini adalah karakteristik dari prepaid card.
  • Nilai elektronis disimpan dalam suatu chip (integrated circuit) yang tertanam pada kartu.
  • Mekanisme pemindahan dana dilakukan dengan meng-insert kartu ke suatu alat tertentu (card reader).
Contoh pertama dari Prepaid Card dari penggunaan e-money adalah Flazz BCA. Bank BCA merupakan bank pertama yang menggunakan teknologi e-money dengan cara menerbitkan Prepaid Card yang mempunyai teknologi canggih. Kitta dapat menggunakan Prepaid Card diberbagai merchant yang bekerja sama dengan pihak bank BCA.
Selain itu, contoh dari prepaid card lainnya adalah Mandiri e-money yang diterbitkan oleh bank Mandiri, Brizzi dikeluarkan oleh bank BRI, dan BNI Prepaid yang diterbitkan oleh Bank BNI.
Salah satu contoh lembaga non perbankan yang ikut bergabung dalam menerbitkan prepaid card adalah Telkomsel.
Dalam penggunaan e-money ini tidak memerlukan adanya proses otorisasi seperti halnya pemakaian pin atau tanda tangan, sebab e-money tidak berkaitan langsung dengan rekening nasabah yang ada di bank.
Penggunaan e-money ini tidak membebankan pembayarannya pada rekening bank, sebagai mana kartu kredit atau kartu debit. Seperti halnya prepaid yang lain, kita juga dapat melakukan top up untuk kartu kita tersebut.

Prepaid Software

Prepaid software adalah e-money yang nilainya tersimpan dalam hard disk di dalam sebuah PC. Prepaid software sering disebut dengan digital cash. Untuk memindahkan dananya melalui jaringan internet.
Berikut ini adalah karakteristik dari prepaid softwere, yakni :
  • Nilai elektronis disimpan dalam suatu hard disk yang terdapat dalam Personal Computer (PC).
    ekanisme pemindahan dana dilakukan melalui suatu jaringan komunikasi seperti Internet, pada saat melakukan pembayaran.
Karena saya menggunakan yang prepaid card jadi kita membahas yang prepaid card saja ya hehehhee

Manfaat E-Money

Dengan adanya teknologi e-money kita dapat melakukan transaksi dengan lebih praktis dan efisien. Dibawah ini merupakan manfaat dari penggunaa e-money, yakni sebagai berikut.
  • Memberikan kemudahan, kecepatan, dan kepraktisan dalam melakukan berbagai transaksi pembayaran. Sehingga kita tidak perlu lagi repot-repot menyiapkan uang tunai untuk membayar.
  • Anda tidak perlu menerima uang kembalian yang berwujud barang seperti permen, sebab dengan adanya e-money pihak merchant hanya perlu melakukan kliring langsung melalui jaringan komputer.
  • Sangat aplikatif, sebab dapat digunakan untuk berbagai transaksi massal bernilai kecil dengan frekuensi tinggi, misalnya biaya tol, bayar tiket transportasi, parkir, fast food, dan lain sebagainya.
  • Prepaid Card disebut juga sebagai Electronic Purches, dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut.
  • Nilai elektronis disimpan dalam suatu chip (integrated circuit) yang tertanam pada kartu.
  • Mekanisme pemindahan dana dilakukan dengan meng-insert kartu ke suatu alat tertentu (card reader).

Keunggulan E-Money

Perkembangan yang semakin pesat membuat penggunaan uang kertas berkurang akibat adanya e-money ini. Pada era modern ini pengguna lebih memilih e-money sebagai transaksi yang cepat dan mudah.
Dengan adanya e-money ini pengguna semakin mudah untuk melakukan transaksi dikarenakan menghemat waktu dan tenaga. Kita tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu dan menunggu untuk melakukan transaksi. Ini merupakan salah satu keunggulan adanya e-money.
Selain menghemat waktu, e-money juga mempunyai keunggulan, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut.
Memberikan kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam melakukan transaksi-transaksi pembayaran tanpa perlu membawa uang tunai.
Tidak lagi menerima uang kembalian dalam bentuk barang (seperti permen) akibat padagang tidak mempunyai uang kembalian bernilai kecil (receh), dan
Sangat applicable untuk transaksi massal yang nilainya kecil namun frekuensinya tinggi, seperti: transportasi, parkir, tol, fast food, dan lain sebagainya.

Pengalaman menggunakan e-money

Oke, kembali ke pengalamanku menggunakan e money, nah karena saya suka sekali naik transportasi publik maka e-money sudah menjadi wajib bagi saya untuk memilikinya. Saya pertama kali mendengar e-money ketika aku naik busway transjakarta, waktu itu sistemnya hancur dan ruwet, maklum itu aku pertama kalinya naik tahun 2014 ketika saya sma. Pertama kali naik busway, saya menggunakan kartu e-money dari Mandiri sampai sekarang saya masih menggunakannya

Ternyata tidak ribet, kita cukup mentap kartu kita di mesin ticketing busway otomatis saldo berkurang sesuai dengan tarif busway tersebut. Sangat simpel dan tidak ribet sekali.Saya pengguna setia e-money mandiri karena memiliki berbagai keuntungan diantaranya
1. Top up di mana-mana ( baik atm,minimarket,dll)
2. Mengecek saldo dengan mudah
3. Bisa membayar buat belanja
4. Bisa membayar tiket kereta krl

Nah ketika kita sampai di halte tujuan ( bagi yang transit sebaiknya jangan turun atau mentap keluar kartu tersebut nanti kalau kamu masuk lagi kena biaya lagi) kita mentap kartu itu lagi dan saldo otomatis berkurang secara otomatis sesuai dengan harga busway.Sangat mudah kan?

Pengalaman berikutnya adalah ketika saya naik krl.Lagi-lagi e-money mandiri selalu andalan saya hehehe....Caranya kurang lebih sama dengan naik busway, kita hanya mentap di stasiun masuk dan keluar di stasiun tujuan.Sampai-sampai sekarang saya mempunyai 4 kartu...luaar biasa bukan...
Mungkin bagi teman teman seperti saya pastinya tdk berasa dan cukup murah.Namun sayangnya di kereta belum ada isi ulang saldo, Ketika saya di stasiun Juanda misalnya temanku ini menunggu temannya datang. Ketika datang lalu mentap ternyata kadang-kadang ada error....

Tapi,overall Indonesia sudah mulai mengikuti zaman e-money.Artinya Indonesia sudah banyak penggunanya yang menggunakan e-money

Demikian pengalaman pribadiku mengenai e-money.....Sampai jumpa di postingan berikutnya

Jumat, 19 Mei 2017

Miliyader Toko Online

Hallo,selamat malam semuanya..sudah lama tidak melihat saya posting blog wkwkwkwk...sorry ya teman teman soalnya saya habis Ujian Nasional.Oh ya beberapa bulan lalu kita menjelaskan pariwisata di pulau Nusa Tenggara.Sebelum ke pulau lain, saya ada sedikit....promosi buat pengunjung setia blog ini apa itu?

Nah ini dia....Rahasia jadi milarder lewat toko online.wkwkkwkwwk.....jadi ini adalah salah satu produk dari belajar bisnis internet....yang dimana kita bisa diajarin langsung sama tutor tutor yang berpengalaman dan terbukti banyak yang sudah berhasil...dalam usaha ini.Jadi, daripada bingung bingung mendingan join ke bisnis ini...yang butuh link, saya kasih nih linknya

untuk ke home sitenya

hehehehe......sedikit promosi...ayo kita lanjutkan pembahasan pariwisata di Indonesia.....

Selasa, 26 April 2016

DJI Phantom 3 Advanced Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera

DJI Phantom 3 Advanced Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera

Product Description

The Phantom 3 Professional continues the proud tradition of DJI's Phantom series and brings several important innovations to the Phantom's rich feature set. The Phantom 3 Professional carries a fully stabilized 3-axis 4k UHD video camera for smooth, crisp videos and still photos. To allow you to see what the drone sees, DJI has engineered a new generation of their Lightbridge technology that allows 720p HD digital streaming of live video directly from the drone. You can control the camera and see video in real time as you fly and you can even share the video using the DJI Pilot app's advanced features. To aid indoor flying, the Phantom 3 Professional includes an integrated array of optical and ultrasonic sensors call Vision Positioning that allows you to fly precisely indoors without a GPS signal. The Phantom 3 Professional includes all the tried-and-true features you'd expect from a DJI drone, including GPS navigation with auto takeoffs and auto landings, intelligent high power flight battery, a built-in safety database of no fly zones, and a powerful mobile app for your iOS or Android device.

Note: DJI has locked your Phantom from being able to even start the motor if you live within a 15 mile radius of the White House. This encompasses not only D.C. but much of Prince Georges County, Arlington, Fairfax, Silver Spring, Falls Church and Montgomery County. DJI does not warn you of this prior to purchase. Outside of this 15 mile radius, the drone works great, but be aware, that if you bought it and live within the restricted zone, you will not be able to fly it, even on your own property.

Set Contains:

  • Aircraft Body (1)
  • Remote Controller (1)
  • Propeller Pairs (4)
  • Intelligent Flight Battery (1)
  • Battery Charger (1)
  • Power Cable (1)
  • Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced Safety Guidelines and Disclaimer (Manual)
  • Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced Intelligent Flight Battery Safety Guidelines (Manual)
  • Phantom 3 Professional Quick Start Guide (Manual)
  • Gimbal Clamp (1)
  • Vibration Absorbers (4)
  • 16GB Micro-SD Card (1)
  • Micro-USB Cable (1)
  • Anti-drop Kit (2)
  • Landing Pads (4)
  • Propeller Wrench (1)
  • Stickers (5 - Gold, Silver, Red, Blue, Pink)
In the world of aerial drone photography, we’d have to argue that the DJI Phantom 3 is probably the single best little drone for the job and additionally state that its built-in 4K ultra HD video camera is probably one of the best choices on the current market, with the best overall quality of 4K video and still photos created.
The DJI Phantom 3 uses a DJI Pilot App for iOS and Android which can be downloaded and allows for live streaming HD video of whatever you’re filming while also enabling complete camera control. Furthermore the Phantom 3 Pro offers a 3-axis gimbal for nearly total control of that same footage you’re watching as it’s actually being filmed.
These are just a couple of the many awesome features packed into this particular drone and we’ll cover more as we move through this review. The bottom line here is that the Phantom 3 Pro package that’s currently available comes loaded with goodies and extras that will allow you to create some of the most impressive aerial Ultra HD footage you could get your hands on without spending thousands of dollars. To top it all off, DJI has even thrown in an extra battery and is selling the whole Phantom 3 Professional kit for a remarkably decent price considering what this drone can do.

2.The Good

For starters, the Phantom 3 Professional drone uses a Lightbridge digital streaming feed for live viewing of a 720p HD video signal that gets beamed down to your smartphone. This signal can be viewed via the drone’s DJI Pilot App for Android and iOS. Of course, the app isn’t also about passive viewing of the drone as it works its magic. It also lets you take high resolution still shots of whatever you happen to be looking at and allows you to control the movements of the onboard 4K camera and the flight of the drone in general.
Furthermore, the control mechanism for said camera is definitely a winner. The 3-axis gimbal allows for maximal movement flexibility and offers the Phantom 3 Pro’s camera a level of physical stability that’s impressive as heck to behold. In other words, despite the movements being made in the air by the Phantom 3 Pro or the prevailing wind conditions, you can be almost entirely sure that your still shots and video recordings –which get recorded in full 4K resolution to an onboard microSD card—will emerge as clear and sharp as possible with current drone technology in this price range.
Finally, the 4K camera itself is a very impressive piece of hardware in the Phantom 3 Pro. Other drones like the Yuneec Typhoon Q500 offer design and flight specs that are just about as impressive as those of the Phantom 3 but as far as we’ve seen, none of the competitors beat the sheer video and photo quality that this particular model can accomplish.

3.The BadThe Phantom 3 Professional Drone also isn’t without its flaws, particularly when compared to the competing Yuneec Typhoon Q500.
First of all, the Phantom 3 doesn’t come with a carry case or a second battery with the purchase package it’s sold in. On both counts, the Yuneec does include these accessories. Given the very similar pricing of the two, DJI is soon likely going to have to catch up by including the same extras.
Secondly, the fact that the control screen doesn’t come built right into the Phantom 3 Pro’s controller and is instead based off an app download for you phone can be a bit annoying and clumsy. It works fine as far as it goes but again, here is where Yuneec offers an edge up by simply having built their HD touchscreen for live viewing and control right into a their controller. The latter setup is definitely superior and easier to manage.
We should also note that the Phantom 3, as a slightly “older” drone model could use a few more refinements that are now not only possible but actively being applied to newer drone models: first of all, the drone can be quite noisy and while we understand this as an inevitable result of the high powered electric motor and the four rotors it powers, the noise produced only really becomes inaudible if you fly the drone up to between 100 and 200 feet or more of height. At low altitudes, it’s a definite irritation. Furthermore, the Phantom 3 Pro could use a few more advanced flight modes such as an autonomous “follow you” mode that newer models like the SDR Solo offer.
Finally, the physical design of the Phantom 3 is a bit on the clumsy looking side. It works extraordinarily well at delivering very stable video and flying with wonderful steadiness even under rougher conditions but there is definitely a certain flexibility and elegance missing to the Phantom 3 Professional that newer, leaner drones to come with.

4.Final OpinionThe Phantom 3 Professional quadracopter is a definite winner with very few flaws as far as 4K camera-capable drones go. It’s one of the very few drones for sale that offers a built-in gimbal-mounted 4K camera and the quality of that camera’s video and photo reproduction is almost beyond peer. The few flaws of the Phantom 3 don’t really take away from its overall quality.

5.SpecsMax Ascent/Descent speed: 16.4 feet per second/ 9.8 feet per second
Vertical/ Horizontal Hover accuracy: + or – 3.9 feet/ + or – 3.3 feet
Max altitude: 19, 685 feet
Flight time: 23 minutes but variable depending on conditions
Flight control: downloadable DJI Pilot app for smartphone with touchscreen camera controls and a physical GPS/GLONASS 50Hz controller with Lightbridge support
Transmitter Frequency: 2.400 to 2.483 GHz
Connectivity: 1 x USB type A female slot for mobile device interface, 1 x MicroUSB female for firmware updates, 1 x charge port
Camera: Gimbal mounted 12 megapixel video/photo camera with Sony EXMOR sensor
Camera Resolution: up to 4K ultra HD at 3840 x 2160 for video and up to 12 megapixels for photos
Recording Media: microSD/SDXC card up to 64 GB
Gimbal: 3-axis (pitch, roll, yaw)
Weight: 2.8 lbs (with battery and propellors)
Dimensions: 23.2 inches diagonal from prop tip to prop tip

6.DesignThe Phantom 3 Professional is a step up from the very similar but slightly less decked out Phantom 3 Advanced quadracopter. The main difference between the two is that the Pro shoots 4K video and the Advanced only manages Full HD footage. Both have otherwise equal designs.
And what is this design? Well, basically, DJI seems to love the bulbous look that it started with in its original Phantom 1 drone. Here we’re talking about a bulky looking mostly white quadracopter that’s rather bland looking but at the same time gives the impression of being fairly durable. Unlike the much spindlier and (we think) much cooler looking DJI Inspire 1, the Phantom isn’t big on extended rigid legs or a small central body.
On the other hand, some not so easily visible improvements have been added to the Phantom 3 for better flight and maneuverability. These include a new motor tilt for a more stable flight mechanism and a whole new type of flight controller with better brains. Furthermore, the Phantom 3 offers smart braking capability in its controls. Externally the Phantom 3 also offers wider landing gear and an extra compartment for an indoor sensor that enables much tighter indoor flight. Overall, the drone is designed better for staying out of sight while its camera is shooting.
The battery of the Phantom 3 is also better than that of the Phantom 1 or 2, and despite a nearly identical appearance, it offers more power and a slightly longer 23 to 25 minute flight time.
The biggest changes to the Phantom 3 lie in its controller. The new controller for the 3 is smaller, with more controls and more features such as an internal battery that can be charged. There is also an LED power level indicator and a USB connection port for the smartphone-based visual controls via the DJI Pilot app.
We should also note that the Phantom 3 offers a newer, superior DJI Lightbridge technology built right into its controller and drone for live streaming of an HD video from the drone as it flies, even at distances of 1.2 miles from where you yourself are standing. Furthermore, the phone that you need to attach to the controller for the visual feed to work will actually also get charged by the controllers own battery as it runs. Furthermore, new buttons on the Phantom 3’s controller also include controls for camera angle, start/stop recording, photo capture and a couple of customizable buttons whose functions you can set for yourself.

 Setup for flight on the Phantom 3 is pretty straightforward and a few of its more complicated aspects are easily resolved with the drones own instruction manual or the even easier to understand instructional videos that DJI has for the Phantom 3 (and their other drones) on the company website.
Essentially however, once the drone is out of the box, you can simply screw in the four propellers, plug in the rechargeable battery and make sure that you’ve downloaded the DJI Pilot app to your smartphone. After connecting your phone to the controller itself via the USB cable, and switched the remote on before switching the drone itself on, you’re good to go. Also press both power buttons to make sure everything is completely switched on.

8.Camera Specs & Highlights
 DJI might as well go into the camera business as far as the quality of their actual shooter itself goes. It quickly becomes apparent during flight of the Phantom 3 that its 4k video camera with 12 megapixel photo shooting capacity and Sony ½.3 EXMOR sensor from Sony is almost more the main point of the Phantom 3 than the drone itself. This camera can really shoot some spectacular video and photo imagery Video is incredibly crisp and clear while the drone maintins such good stability that it almost looks as if footage is on pause during flight. As for photos, they are also wonderfully sharp and loaded with color. Furthermore, the camera has some decent zoom and ISP capacities that definitely make it a stand-alone beauty all by itself.

Of course, you can also go for a Phantom 2 drone (with no built-in 4K camera) and simply install a much more professional GoPro Hero 4 action camera to it for some more exotic video and photo features but again, this isn’t necessary at all. The Phantom 3’sown 4K camera is truly excellent. Some of its photo and video specs include the ability to shoot photos at a 12 megapixel resolution of 4000 x 3000 pixels, a video ISO range of 100 to 3200 and a photo ISO of 100 to 1600. As for possible video resolutions, you can choose from any of the following:
• DCI 4K (4096 x 2160): 24p, 25p
• UHD 4K (3840 x 2160): 24p, 25p, 30p,
• 1080p (1920 x 1080): 24p, 25p, 30p, 48p, 50p, 60p
• 720p (1280 x 720): 24p, 25p, 30p, 48p, 50p, 60p
Furthermore, photo modes include Single shot, burst shooting of 3, 5 or 7 shots per second, Auto exposure bracketing at 3/5, and time-laps video shooting. The file formats of video consist of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 in MOV wrapper (up to 60 Mbps) while photo formats are JPEG and DNG RAW.

 The Phantom 3 is designed to fly as easily and stably as possible even in the hands of novice users. Thus, once you get the hang of using this drone, you should be able to have it smoothly responding to a wide range of commands. The drone is basically built to do just this and it never feels like it’s moving too quickly or moving out of easy, stable control.
Altitude during banking into turns is easy to maintain without the use of extra power and, again, the stability of the Phantom 3 is what’s really most impressive about it. Even at very high altitudes, the drone does its own corrections against wind currents and can keep very still under assorted conditions, enough so that video shot with the drone looks wonderfully immobile. Furthermore, there’s no need to worry about losing control of the drone if your controller falls out of your hands or your smartphone disconnects. When not being actively manipulated, the Phantom 3 immediately falls into a default stand-still mode where it just floats in one spot.
The drone can be flown and made to take off or land via the onscreen app or (more easily) flight can be done via the physical controller, with the left stick controlling drone rotation and the right stick controlling backward and forward movement. Pushing the left stick up or down causes changes in altitude and pushing both sticks down and inwards starts the motor itself.

Senin, 25 April 2016

Yuneec TYPHOON Q500 4K

Yuneec TYPHOON Q500 4K


Capture the future
  • Personal Ground Station with built-in touchscreen
  • Integrated 3-axis precision gimbal camera
  • 4K/30fps ultra high definition video
  • 1080p/120fps slow motion video
  • User controlled video resolution, white balance and light exposure
  • 12 megapixel photos with No-Distortion Lens
  • Handheld SteadyGrip for capturing video footage

*Phone not included

CGO3 4K 3-axis Gimbal Camera

With ultra-high definition (UHD) resolution, four times higher than HD, the camera delivers high-quality images with the ability to capture slow motion 1080p / 120fps and 12 megapixel photos. Capture life in 4K with incredible detail and unparalleled realism.

The new standard in aerial photography

Getting smooth professional footage flying manually is never been as easy as using Watch Me mode. Set up the Typhoon's position and automatically get amazing footage of your actions on the go. Create amazing selfie videos, dronie effects or just set up the Typhoon to follow you anywhere you go.
Professional stable shots on the go
The SteadyGrip handheld device ensures ground shots are as smooth as those taken from the air. The CGO3 mobile APP allows SteadyGrip user to capture images, shoot videos and control the CGO3 gimbal camera.
The mobile phone and Gopro are not included, and only one gimbal is included.

Smart Safety

Ensuring utmost safety, the FAA compliant No Fly Zone feature prevents flight near commercial airports.
The No Fly Zone feature also prevents flight above 400 feet from the ground.
The built-in GPS establishes a 26 ft (8 m) diameter Smart Circle around the pilot when taking off and landing and also creates a Geo Fence that keeps the aircraft from traveling farther than 300 ft (91 m) from the pilot's position.

Air and Ground

The STEADYGRIP™ CGO3 system combines a 3-axis precision gimbal with Yuneec's 4K Ultra High Definition video camera, allowing you to capture amazing and stable video footage. The camera pitch controller allows precise camera angle control while on-the-go, using a mobile device, with up to a 6.4-inch display.
When it comes to consumer-level drones, one model rules the skies. DJI’s Phantom drone, the Phantom 3 in particular, is the flying machine of choice for professional videographers, drone enthusiasts, and increasingly, mass-market consumers.

Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4K


Easy to fly even for those who've never laid eyes on a drone before. Quick and easy setup. Controller includes a nice, if a little small, Android display---no need for phones or battery-draining mobile apps. Price is right.
Big, heavy and slow. What makes it great for beginners makes it less great for those used to the nimbleness of other drones. The range is limited compared to similarly specced models from other manufacturers.

But erstwhile competitors are beginning to emerge. One of the latest comes from Chinese aircraft maker Yuneec, the Typhoon Q500 4K. Though similar in size, weight, and price, the Typhoon is no Phantom knockoff. It’s not a Phantom killer, either. Both have their strengths, and which one is best for you depends largely on what you plan to do with it. The Typhoon’s camera produces excellent results, and while the drone is slower and more sluggish than others, it’s remarkably easy to pilot. It’s a drone for people nervous about trying to control a $1,200 piece of flying equipment.
The Typhoon looks a bit more aggressive than DJI’s shining happy drones, with sleeker lines and a back end that resembles the head of the space-creatures in Alien. It’s also larger than the more familiar Phantoms, and made of plastic far flimsier than I’m used to seeing. That’s partly due to the fact that the Typhoon landing gear (and gimbal) can be snapped off with no special tools and stored in a much flatter package.
I tested the Typhoon Q500 4K, one of several models available. As the name suggests, it’s capable of shooting 4K video and it comes with the CGO Steadygrip, so you can use the camera and gimbal on the ground as well. The Steadygrip worked well enough, but it’s more of the same—somewhat flimsy plastic that might or might not last through more adventurous uses than chasing my kids around the yard. It also requires eight AA rechargeable batteries.
There was no calibration, and no apps to download. I read through the quick-start guide, set it in the middle of field, and lifted off.
Unlike DJI’s offerings, the Typhoon’s base controller ships with a built-in screen in the form of a small Android device sporting 480p resolution. On one hand, it’s nice not to have so many different parts to keep track of. But there’s no way to add a bigger, clearer screen when, for example, a new iPad mini is released (the mobile device I currently use with the Phantom 3). The screen is bright, though flying in direct sunlight remains difficult. To be fair, that’s true of every screen I’ve ever used to fly a drone. Yuneec helpfully includes a sunshade that attaches, awkwardly, to the controller with suction cups. It doesn’t completely solve the problem, but it does help.
I found the controller familiar enough to all but eliminate a learning curve. First-timers should have an easy time with it. The Typhoon’s video and still image capture buttons are chunkier than anything I’ve used, but that makes them easier to find without looking down at your hands. The included app is intuitive enough that I never cracked the manual. The touch screen is responsive as well, which is good because some of the menus and buttons are really tiny.
The Typhoon’s flight control system is great overall, it makes flying dead simple and trumps everything I’ve used save the new controller for the Phantom 3. My only complaint is that you’re locked in. Two years from now when there are dozens of 7-inch 4K tablets for under $200, you’ll still be stuck with a 5 inch, 480p screen.

Take to the Skies

It’s dead simple to get started. I pulled the Typhoon out of the case, turned everything on, waited for the Wi-Fi to connect the base station and aircraft, and was airborne within two minutes. There was no calibration, and no apps to download. I read the quick-start guide, set it in the middle of field, and lifted off.
That simplicity continues in the air as well. Being primarily accustomed to flying DJI’s phantom line, the Typhoon was immediately different. I started in “Smart Mode” which make the drone fly relative to what you see on the screen in front of you. That is, if you want to go up you push the left hand joystick up and the drone goes up. If you want to go side to side you push it left or right. There’s no need to worry about where the front and back of the drone are, the control translates everything in terms of the display on the screen.
Flying drones is intimidating. They’re expensive and often complicated. The result is that, unless you’re so rich you don’t care, you spend most of your learning time in a nervous sweat. At least that was my experience with Phantoms. The Typhoon, however, is a pleasure to fly right from the start.
Even after many hours of practice, I still don’t feel as confident with a Phantom as I did after ten minutes with the Typhoon. The Phantom 3 comes closest to this ease of use, but it’s still more nerve wracking to control in my experience.
But drone flight isn’t all good or all bad; it’s a series of trade offs. While I can without hesitation say that the Typhoon is easier to fly than any of the Phantoms I’ve used, that doesn’t necessarily make it better. That ease of use is offset by the fact that the Typhoon is far more sluggish in the air. It takes longer to respond to input from the controller and it was not capable of the tight turns or the top speed of the Phantom 3. Its max flight range is also considerably less. And the Phantom 3’s ability to send back live 720p feed at over a mile blows the Typhoon out of the water.
If you’re just learning to fly, that “sluggishness” is a plus. It makes for a more forgiving aircraft that you’re less likely to fly into a tree. If you’re already comfortable flying drones, the Typhoon will likely feel like a step backward. To get some aerial shots of the Typhoon I enlisted Barrelman Productions pilot Mike Lord who was able to literally fly circles around the Typhoon with his Phantom 3.

The Eye Has It

The Typhoon Q500 I tested was the 4K video model. There are two other models: the 500+ , which shoots 1080p; and the 500, which is more or less the same but doesn’t come with the Steadygrip. On paper that sounds good, but part of what makes or breaks images (and video) from drones is not resolution, but stabilization. In that regard the gimbal on the Typhon is on par with the field, which is to say that it does a good job of holding the camera still, though at times it felt a bit slower at panning.
The images it produces are 12 megapixels with pretty good clarity, though there is noticeable falloff in sharpness toward the edges. That’s not unexpected for extreme wide angle lenses, but it’s significantly more noticeable than the cameras on the Phantom 3. Whether its an optics problem or a shortcoming of Yuneec’s distortion correction is tough to say, but unfortunately it extends to the 4K video as well.
I can recommend it, especially if you’re shopping for your first drone, or just one that’s easy to fly and has a capable, high-resolution camera. The slowness, range, and other faults are things that probably won’t bother you until you become more experienced, and the Typhoon still has plenty to offer in the meantime.

Minggu, 24 April 2016

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Elite Edition Quadcopter - Sand

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Elite Edition Quadcopter - Sand

Product Description

Color: Sand | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging
The Ultimate Wi-Fi Controlled Quadricopter
Easily controlled by Wi-Fi using a smartphone or tablet, the latest Parrot AR. Drone 2. 0 Elite Edition collection offers enthusiasts a choice of three classic camouflaged styles: sand, snow or jungle. Inspired by desert, arctic and rain forest landscapes. Each individual product is supplied attractively packaged in its own specially designed printed carton with a distinctive indoor and outdoor hull, plus one pair of black propellers and another customized pair of propellers to compliment the colour scheme. The exclusive Elite Edition packaging includes one 1000mAh lithium polymer battery to provide up to twelve minutes of flying time, plus a convenient battery charger with international adapters. Featuring a high definition camera with a video recording capability, plus flight data sharing, a patented piloting mode, and an innovative pressure sensor for increased stability at any altitude, Parrot's amazing AR. Drone 2. 0 Elite Edition quadricopter can even perform four axis flips on command.
AR. Freeflight
AR. FreeFlight is the primary application used to fly and pilot the AR. Drone 2. 0 Elite Edition. Use your smartphone or tablet to fly the AR. Drone 2. 0, with or without the accelerometer, and switch from the frontal camera to the vertical camera.
Director Mode*
The Director mode lets you program automatic movements so that you can shoot great videos just like a movie director. The new AR. Drone 2.0 firmware will eliminate most of the hiccups due to light wind conditions or sudden stop to deliver the smoothest video you'll ever shot with an AR. Drone 2.0. The settings menu lets you fine tune exposure, color saturation, and white balance or choose from an array of presets to quickly find the setting that will fit your needs. *In-app purchase on ar. freeflight

HD 720p Camera
The AR. Drone 2. 0 is equipped with a high definition front camera that will let the pilot view exactly what the AR. Drone 2. 0 sees, just as if they were in the pilot seat. Download the free AR. FreeFlight application (available on the App Store and Google play) and take control of the AR. Drone 2.0 in just seconds. The user-friendly control interface will appear over the video feedback streamed straight from the AR. Drone 2.0 with no latency, thanks to the self-generated Wi-Fi network. The automatic stabilization system of the AR. Drone 2.0 will ensure an image of high quality indoors, or outdoors even in light wind conditions. Whether using a smartphone or a tablet, the pilot will see a clean, crystal clear image straight from the sky.
Absolute Control Piloting Mode
A brand new and exclusive piloting mode, patented by Parrot for the AR. Drone 2.0. The Absolute Control piloting mode makes life much easier for beginners, by only using your device position as a point of reference. The result is simple, regardless of which direction the front of the AR. Drone 2.0 is facing, you just have to tilt your smartphone in any direction to see the AR. Drone 2.0 fly towards it. A beginner can now become an expert pilot in a matter of minutes.
Record Directly on Your Device
AR. FreeFlight lets the pilot record video and pictures while flying the AR. Drone 2.0. Simply press the record button to start and end the recording, and use the dedicated photo/video section of the application to watch what you've shot immediately after you have landed. No cables, SD card or PC required. Everything has already been pre-programmed in your smartphone/tablet, so that can watch your performance instantly.
Higher & Faster
The AR. Drone 2.0 offers unique stability, thanks to its embedded sensors and navigation system. Any movement not solicited by the pilot will be automatically corrected by the AR. Drone 2.0 to maintain a perfectly still position in the air, while you are not controlling it. Push it, fly it in windy conditions (up to 15 m/h), and it won't move an inch until you decide to make it move. Thanks to its new pressure sensors, the AR. Drone 2.0 will provide this automatic stability even further, by making sure it remains stable whatever the altitude.
Record & Share on USB
For users wishing to shoot longer videos, without using their smartphone/tablet memory, a USB plug is located inside the AR. Drone 2.0 for easy USB recording. Shoot as much footage as you want, and share easily on YouTube or Picasa when finished, thanks to the embedded options of the application.
The Flip
A unique acrobatic move specifically designed for the AR. Drone 2.0. Press a button to perform an impressive forward or backward flip, or barrel roll as you are flying. The embedded navigation system of the AR. Drone 2.0 will automatically recover, enabling any new pilot to enjoy this move.

There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room between toy helicopters/quadricopters and enthusiast remote controlled helicopters. The former are inexpensive toys that often cost less than $100 and are often really difficult to fly. The latter are extremely expensive devices for hobbyists that require a lot of room and safety precautions. The Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 sits in the middle; it's a $299.99 ($369.99 for the Power Edition with two extended batteries) quadricopter you control with your smartphone or tablet. The AR.Drone features two built-in cameras, is easy to fly, and can be controlled without too much danger of it flipping over or smashing into things. If you want a satisfying flying toy that can take photos and (silent) videos and makes you feel like a gadget genius for controlling it with your mobile device, the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 is a dream toy.

App-Controlled DroneThe drone itself is a plastic quadricopter with four plastic rotors. Two styrofoam bodies are included: an indoor body with foam rings surrounding the rotors, and an outdoor body that keeps the rotors exposed. The bodies slip right over the drone frame and stay securely in place with a little pressure. The drone doesn't have a power switch; it's activated by plugging in a battery, setting it in the battery slot, and setting the body over it.
The AR.Drone 2.0 doesn't come with any sort of controller, because it relies on an Android or iOS device connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot the drone generates. Yes, you need a tablet or smartphone to pilot it. On the other hand, it means whatever you use to control it can double as a point-of-view display for the drone's onboard cameras, and that you can customize how the drone behaves based on the controls. The app uses a two-"stick" control system by default, using the left stick (an area on the touch screen you can move in four directions) to control elevation and the drone's direction, or yaw, and the right stick (another four-directional area) to move the drone forward, backward, left, or right relative to either where it is currently facing or relative to a universal direction set when you turn the drone on. If you have an Nvidia Shield portable gaming device, you can control the AR.Drone 2.0 with its physical analog sticks, which makes piloting the drone feel more responsive.

Camera FunctionYou can record whatever the AR.Drone 2.0 sees through its forward- or down-facing camera in 720p quality. The mobile app handles all recording and storage, so any video or photos you take are automatically added to your smartphone or tablet; the drone doesn't have any onboard storage. It doesn't record sound, because the drone's rotors would drown out any audio it could capture. Video quality is decent indoors, but don't expect anything better than what you'd shoot with an inexpensive smartphone.

The AR.FreeFlight software is your main method of both piloting and recording video from the AR.Drone 2.0, and it's the simplest way to update the drone's firmware. It can also map out and geotag your flights, upload your photos and videos to Parrot's AR.Drone Academy service, and browse other users' photos and videos.
FlyingBoth flying and shooting movies and photos with the AR.Drone 2.0 is surprisingly intuitive. The drone does a very good job of staying stable in the air, hovering consistently in a small area when you're not directly controlling it. Despite this, be prepared for a few crashes as you get the hang of flying it, and you should probably keep the indoor shell on until you know you can control the drone. Fortunately, it automatically shuts down when it crashes, letting you know something went wrong in the app and preventing damage that could come from rotors spinning uncontrollably against a surface.  If you have a backyard or a big enough room, you can figure out how to fly the AR.Drone 2.0 in just a few hours of entertaining experimentation.

Product Information

Product Dimensions 23 x 5 x 23 inches
Item Weight 4 pounds
Shipping Weight 4.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Domestic Shipping This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
International Shipping This item is not eligible for international shipping. Learn More
Item model number PF721800BI
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)